Saturday, June 19, 2010

One Year - Check!!

Time has gone by quick! Our little man has turned ONE already! Not having an oven at our little apartment meant we needed to make friends who did have one so he could enjoy his first cake. : ) Here in Hawaii the first birthday is the a huge celebration because before modern medicine they lost most of thier babies within the first year. If a baby made it to the first year that most likely meant they would have a long life. We joked with people everywhere we went who asked how old Brennan was that we needed friends to have a big party when he turned one and they all said they would be there!!! One lady at Costco said I have 6 kids and they would be happy to attend!
Regardless, it was an intimate group but a fun one. Here are pictures of his cake and him eating his own little portion.

If you can't tell what it is (no hurt feelings :( ), it is a shovel on the beach. He has two of them, a yellow and a blue one, and that's all he plays with even though there are few other toys we always take.
"Are you sure this is okay?"
"You didn't stop me so I am going in for more!"

He loved every minute of it, but that night trying to get him to bed made for some not so lovable moments. It was worth it though now that I look back at the pictures and see his enjoyment!

Memorial Day

We had the amazing opportunity to spend the weekend with our friends Tyler and Lauren. On Saturday we wanted to go to a new beach so we headed over to the North Shore area to find a spot. We didn't leave early enough to get the one we wanted before all the parking was taken so we ventured on farther. We ended up finding a fun spot in Haleiwa!!!

Before Taylor built Brennan a sand pool!

After a wave added sand to his pool.

This was the first time Brennan was able to use his birthday gift from Papa and Gigi (the yellow floaty)!!!!!!! Tyler is Brennan's new favorite (if you can't tell). When we go places together, people always think he is Brennan's dad because he has him most of the time and he has cool blue eyes.

An unexpected wave!!! Tyler to the rescue!

Lauren was taking the pictures, but we will get her in one so you can know who Tyler's other half is. She is just as amazing and fun!

That night we went on a double date to see what we thought was going to be Iron Man II. Here in there is a 2 screen theatre so the movies move in and out quick! It had already left and Prince of Persia took it's spot. Needless to say that is what we watched instead. Taylor was way bummed but once the movie started he got over it because that one was great!

Then on Monday it was another beach day, but this time we went to our usual, Hukilau. We didn't take a camera as we usually don't, sorry. We weren't there 5 minutes before we spotted about other couples from our ward, enjoying the day off of school and before finals started. That night it was attempted #2 at Iron Man II. Thank goodness we have a lot of newlywed couple that just adore the little man (aka Brennan) so we could go out again. This time we had to travel to a bigger city : ) I am happy to report we had . . . SUCCESS!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Adventures

The day we got to Hawaii we saw the posters for the World Championship Fireknife May 12-15th. The best part is now that we are residence of Hawaii ,we can get year passes to the Polynesian Cultral Center (PCC), where it was to take place, and not have to pay. There are alot of perks to this pass so if you are ever here let us know and we can work something out : ) Since it was the championship round there are the top three. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!!!!



2009 Reigning Champion!!! Hawaiian

The winner of the 2010 Fireknife World Championship!! Since he has back to back wins he is not allowed to compete this next year, as a rule that was established when the competition began.