So this may see harmless because it is the outside of our bathroom door. But Brennan learned quickly that is NOT. He shut the door behind him and then opened the drawers and this is what you get!

Taylor and I were on the other side where there are no hinges or way to open it for him. He is tall enough to reach the handle but the drawer was in the way. The light was off and there are no windows for light. Imagine being 14 months old and not understanding what "shut the drawer" means because you are scared out of your mind. You can hear mom and dad on the other side but no way to get to them!
Taylor ran to the housing office to see what they suggested while I stayed with the little man, listening to his cry get louder and louder as well as harder and harder to where he was gaging. We were told that if we did anything to the door we would have to pay for it but if maintenance did they pay. In order to get them here we had to call security! Taylor called and as soon as he hung up with them Brennan had knocked the drawer shut so I could open the door.
We now play games and make it fun to shut drawers!!!!!!!!
Talking to other families that live in the same complex, their kids have done the same thing but their door opened enough to get a knife through to shut the drawer, but ours WOULDN'T.
He is out now and goes in and shots the door but doesn't open drawers until the door is opened again : )