Over the past (almost) 24 months they have been renovating the Laie Hawaii Temple (which is a block from our apartment). In doing so they have an Open House allowing anyone interested to visit to enter and walk through to understand more of what happens there. Since we live so close they have asked for volunteers to help clean and host guests who come. I have had the opportunity to serve cookies, welcome guests with a 12 min video on the history and importance of temples, assist those in wheelchairs or those who aren't able to walk 102 steps as their tour guide, as well as clean. Taylor cleaned with me and did security last Saturday (he has been the Brennan watcher to allow me the chance to get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

The people that we have been able to talk to about their experience have been delightful! One lady told me how she heard about the event and it warmed my heart : ) Her sister who lives on Maui flew in for a few days and told her she wanted her to attend and Open House with her. This lady was a bit taken back because all these years she didn't know here sister had a house over here on Oahu ; ) What she didn't understand was the fact that is wasn't the type of house she was thinking. As she walked up to the temple it made more sense to her. She proceeded to tell me that as she walked through and talked with people it was obvious to here that THIS (the temple) was her sister's extended family and home and she never knew what she had been missing out on!
I wish I could have more time to serve there but since I am due on the 19th they told me they didn't want me to be on my feet that long : ( I am extremely grateful I at least had the few hours I did because it was an experience not many get to have.
After the Open House is done on the 13th they will close it for a time to do a super clean after all the thousands have walked through and then it will be dedicated by the Prophet and President of the Church Thomas S. Monson on the 21st. After that point only worthy members of the church will be allowed to enter and perform the ordinances for themselves or for those who have past on.