There was a family in our old ward who has a boy a year older than Brennan and last year he dressed up as a bee. Luckily they returned from being out of town the night before Halloween so we could barrow the costume. The best part is, it is for a dog! We decided to visit friends from this ward so we went to their "Trunk - R - Treat". Taylor and I were on the activities committee in that ward so we helped plan it last year. The activities chair and I were pregnant together so here are the bugs together. Her mom calls Brennan, her boyfriend.

We then went to visit friends we met at our birthing class (their daughters is 3 weeks older than Brennan) whom we haven't seen for months. We weren't expecting to stay long but they wanted to take their daughter to some neighbors house to tick - or - treat and left us to answer the door. When they got back dinner was ready so we eat some amazing chili. Funny part is he is a cop so decided to wear his gun that night but didn't realize that every time he reached for the bowl of candy by the door, it showed. We were laughing but he did have a good point "I am opening the door to strangers in masks". On Monday when Taylor got to work he found out that a co-worker's house was broken into on Halloween and she was up stairs. It's harder and harder to trust people when things like that happen.

We forgot our camera so we made another visit, but as you can see Brennan wasn't at all disappointed to see his other girlfriend again!!!!
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