He has finally started his first semester (has completed 3 terms) here at BYU Hawaii. He is taking 5 classes to equal 14 credits so that he can be eligible for an academic scholarship. As he was signing up for classes (with a counselor) he was not told that 3 of his Psychology classes are all prerequisites for each other!
His teachers are aware of the classes he is in and told him it is because of the work load these 3 classes have not necessarily the content they will be covering. He is working hard to beat the odds as well as be a father and husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His constant worry for a pregnant wife and a very energetic son hasn't stopped nor has his desire to spend time with us! He is making lots and lots of sacrifices as well as asking help from our Heavenly Father knowing all will be taken care of during this time.
We made this move knowing there would be difficult times to bring us together and make us grow in ways we were unaware, and as time passes we are receiving just that!!!!!!!!!! We have your support and can not say THANK YOU enough!!!!! Along with these experiences are coming HUNDREDS of blessings of which we will keep you posted. We know that we are given trials/difficulties but there are always ways to overcome and the blessings are endless!!!!!!!!!!!! We know we are loved, known and watched over by our Heavenly Father as well as our Elder Brother Jesus Christ, the one who made it possible to overcome, and we desire to return to them after our test here!

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