Monday, August 15, 2011


friday - the kids had fun playing with dad while i cleaned in the morning and then he went to class at 12. when brooke woke up from her nap we the kids and i headed to costco because taylor had a research group meeting from 3-6. once we returnedwe had pizza and a movie as a family. we barrowed the movie rio from our friends and brennan ended up watching it 5 times before we returned it the next morning before we went out for cinnamon rolls.
saturday - we passed our cleaning inspection! brooke fell asleep before we went out to do cinnamon rolls so i stayed with her while the boys went to sell. brennan had a exteremely exploritory attitude so he pull things off, wrote on himself, ran faster when taylor called his name ... needless to say ... he was buckeled down when brooke and i got there. poor guy had to stay there for a bit more because we have up graded our cardboard signs for a snadwhich board. a friend of ours is the head of a huge construction project at pcc extremely good at what he does plus he has the tools so we asked him to make us one. i was paining it so taylor held brooke and brennan had to stay where he was until it was dry. after cinnamon rolls we helped a friend with his car ... it ended up being a new battery that cured the issue. while we were at the mall taylor decided a new wallet would be a great idea because all of his magnetic strips on his cards were being ruined within a day of getting a new one. he is a fun person to watch as he gets something new!
sunday - taylor went to his meeting while the kids and i showered and got ready. brooke is starting to change her nap time to 9 and church starts at 10 so it was a tearful morning because i didnt want to have wake her up instead my hope was she would go to sleep during church. she didnt give in until the last hour. oh well atleast she was good because there were lots of people and she was out of the house. my kids are outdoor social crazies! after church we had lunch and had some family time just relaxing. our close firends the millers came over and asked if we wanted to do dinner and games later. of course we did! they made twiced baked potatoes and we put a ground turkey tomatoe corn and bell pepper mixture together and it was awesome together. then it was time to put the kids to bed so while we did that they went on a walk. the sunset was absolutly amazing so we turned the lights off as we set up the game and the room turned a purply pink color! once they came back we played settlers of catan ... 3 games later we decided we were all tired and it was best if we called it quits.

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