Brennan Adam Smart was born Sunday May 24th at 8:15pm!!! He weighed in at 6.14 and measured 19.5 inches.
Friday was my last day of work and I was determined to make it that far because that is all the sick days I had left. On Tuesday, at the doctor appointment, I was told he was still high and I was still at a one so it would be a bit. During meetings on Friday the contractions started and progressed through to Saturday.
Saturday I went with Gina to get some veggies for our garden and then she took me to lunch. All the while having mild contractions! We were planning to have dinner with Taylor's parents on Sunday so we had to run to the store for a few items and when we got back I had notice I had started to bleed. The contractions were not consistent like I had been told to look for so I was too concerned until I saw that. I called the hospital (first timer!) and they said to come in and be checked but that it most likely wasn't going to result to much.
They were right! I had dilated to a 3 almost 4 but there was no change in the hour that I was there so they pulled a sleeping pill out of their secret cabinet and send us home.
Sunday morning I tried to let Taylor sleep as long as possible before I woke him to tell him we should head back. I finally got the courage about 7:30 and we were admitted at 8:15. Having talked to several people I had decided to go as far as I could without drugs because I didn't know my pain tolerance (never broken a bone, had stitches, surgery, etc). Faith was my biggest inspiration and motivator!!!! THANK YOU because I did it WITHOUT drugs!!!!!!!!!!!! It took about 6 hours to get to a 9 but then the progress stopped and after 5 hours they finally decided to give me Patocin to speed things up. THEY DID! I was ready before the doctor could get back to the hospital but the nurse wouldn't let me deliver without her (the dr.) so I had to breath through without pushing even though that is what my body was WANTING. The doctor barely got her gear on and Brennan was here! (the evidence is in all the popped blood vessels in my face, neck and eyes)
We did our 24 hour stay and were home Monday night, much nicer then the hospital! THANKS to all for your phone calls and text during that time and those that continue! We are where we are because of the LOVE and SUPPORT from all of you!! Brennan is truly Heaven sent!!!!!!!!! and now it our turn to help him return!
He SO handsome!! WTG-mommy!
soo handsome! but i don't know why you are all against drugs, drugs ROCK!!!!!!! love ya!
congratulations Amy! I'm glad everything went well, I hope you are getting some rest and enjoying your new baby boy!
What a cutie!! He is seriously so adorable and I love the name! Congrats on a drug-free baby! That's the way to go!
Hope you are doing well!! Congrats on your adorable new baby! ps. I have the same car seat as you :)
He is totally cute! I know you didn't get all those freckles from the sun.... it does not shine where you live. lol can't wait to meet him!
What a cutie! Hope all is well and you are getting the rest you need and deserve.
Wow, Amy! He's so cute!!! I have a blog now too, and we are having a boy at the end of July:) Congratulations
Congrats girl! He is a cute little fella!
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