Amy: had a rough night with the kids. I don't know what is going on but they are not being my good sleepers lately : ( As many times as I had gotten up I thought for sure it was around 5 so I looked at the clock and it was only 1:45!!!!!! After being sick Brooke has her appetite back and so doesn't make it through the night without wanting to eat ... its real food time again : ) I didn't go work out again. I feel like I have had a lack of sleep headache for a week now and didn't have the energy to move. Things will get better and they will sleep again so I'm not worried! I played with the kids and organized a bit before Bannock came over. The boys played for about an hour and then Brennan needed a serious nap so we all went and laid down. This time it was Brennan that fell asleep first and Bannock never went to sleep. Him and Brooke just played until Brennan woke up. After he left we ate and then it was outside time. I haven't taken Brennan out much lately because he has fevers that come and go which make him extremely cryish (all he does is cry for dada). After dinner we played on the floor ... summer salts, airplane/superman, flips, horse hides ... The kids were laughing so hard we had to take breathers so they could recover : ) I miss the good ole days when I would do that with my dad, yet it brings joy to see my own kids light up doing the same thing. Then it was bath time and bed!
Brennan: played around the house, mostly with his big orange ball (one of the big ones from Wal-Mart). Had a fever moment which meant we just laid on the bed and read books trying to calm him down because Dada was not home. I tried to get him to take a nap then but it was too early (10am). I gave him some medicine because he got to 100 and that was the end of the fever and crying. Thank goodness for medicine!! He colored and started the trowing the crayons just as bannock was walking up the steps. He got woken up by Bannock throwing the ball at him : ( so it was not a happy time for about 15 minutes until he fully woke up. He and Brooke both love their baths. he infact was the one that reminded me it was bath night! He started to take off his shirt and say bath bath bath standing in the doorway of the bathroom. I grabbed Brooke and she did her excited kicking until I could get her in the tub. He loves playing with her now that she is not as fragile! He will copy her for the longest time and get the biggest kick out of it. To be little and be entertained by such simple acts : )
Brooke: took an extra long nap this morning allowing me to give Brennan some much needed attention and play time. She is back to her happy laughing self after being sick! She loves to roll all over the floor and see where she can end up : ) I put her in the jumper today and she is starting to get the idea a bit more. Brennan wanted to help her so I convinced him it was best to just jump next to her instead of swinging her or pulling on the rope to make the spring extend and then let go. He is a good helper, he just needs some guidance ; ) During her bath tonight she got up on to her knees while on her stomach, so she will be crawling here soon. That will make her even more happy!!!!! She moves on her back but not her stomach which frustrates her.

they aren't the best quality because they are from my phone!
1 comment:
Nice hair dude! You need a hair cut!! :) Love ya!
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