For the first time since 2002 that my entire family has been together. There has been someone on a mission, at school or out of state so this was a historic moment for the Skinner family. There are 8 siblings, 6 spouses, 9 nieces and nephews (with three more on the way) and my Dad and Bobbie. Ann and Ty were the ones in charge this year (THANK YOU). They chose to go rustic (cabin with no running water or electricity) which was FUN and as close to camping without camping! There was about 2 feet of snow so Scott was on fire duty all day/night.
The kids were directed by Ann and Ty in the Christmas story narrarated by my dad. The lump in front was the donkey (Great job Brian!).

Here are the stckings that were hung. There are few missing and there are a few that weren't filled (ours!!!!!). Santa ran out before he got to them :( We will be extra good this year to make up for it.
1 comment:
Ty and I were the only ones that planned christmas with a little help from scott and janea
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