Monday, January 19, 2009

A Little Smartie!!!!

Yes, we have known for a while but we didn't tell Arizona friends because we just announced to my family at Christmas. (The video won't load so I will try again later!)

The big day is May 26th and no we are not going to find out what the sex is! There is a poll on the sidebar so please vote for what you think we will have!

Here are few of the ultrasound pictures (some from 12 weeks and some from 20 weeks). The face gave us a good laugh because the day before Taylor's parents had shown us some home videos. The one we watched first was Taylor going to get his picture taken at the age 2. After every flash there he made a face very similar! Also, there is no deny that this Taylor's baby because the foot picture. His toes are freakishly long (my middle finger is as long as his second toe) and the second toe is considerably longer than the bog toe. When he pinches with them he draws blood! FREAK!!!!


Sean & Julia Johnson.... said...

oodalaly!! How exciting!! :) I'm so happy for you :)

Clouse Family said...

Great Job updating your blog. It looks great! We love you and miss you!! How are you feeling? I'm ready to pop!

Jessica and Nathan Dana said...

AMY!!! it has been so long! Im so glad we finally connected in the blogging world! It sounds like you guys are doing very good! Congrats on the new addition to your family!! we to are expecting but not unitll the verry begginning of sep!!! Lets keep in touch!