At such a young age he has a prefrence of how he sleeps! Hands close to his face
We have to wrap him like a burrito inorder for him to stay asleep other wise he gets his hands out. With his hands out, he nap jerks and wakes himself up. This is what you get when he wakes up!
Wow its amazing, you do know how to Blog! Keep it up we had to wait 2 months to get anything. You know I probley wont see him till he is 18 months if not before so please keep up so I can watch him grow. He is a cutie! Love yall
Wow its amazing, you do know how to Blog! Keep it up we had to wait 2 months to get anything. You know I probley wont see him till he is 18 months if not before so please keep up so I can watch him grow. He is a cutie! Love yall
He's beautiful! All of our babies liked to be burritos too! Can't wait to meet him and see you!
love all the new pictures :) Aren't little babies so much fun!!!
Yeah we finally get some updates! thank you! keep it up and we will see you and the cute little one soon! love ya
He's so cute!! congrats! hope things are going well for your little fam.
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